Wednesday, April 21, 2010

cleaning out and decluttering my house

I read a blog recently about a mom who lives a minimalistic life style and how much she enjoys her house being clean and clutter free. That made me think about all the STUFF we have in our house and how it brings me more aggrivation than happiness. Mainly the STUFF consists of 3 little girls clothing, toys and messes that they make. The amount of clothing that these girls have is astounding! Today I am vowing to get into their very messy caotic rooms while they are school (the two older ones) and remove everything that they are not using and maybe even getting rid of things they dont NEED. I am going to take some pics and post them here. I am thinking about having a garage sale later on this month when soccer games are over and hopefully making some money to put into our 10 year anniversary cruise fund. Also we found out recently that we will most likely be moving to Maryland in November. All the more reason to clean out our space! Here I go!!!!

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